1. Practical Effects
    Practical Effects, 2022  One (1) tent, five (5) projectors, five (5) media players, and six (6) DMX lights Installation view at LUMA Arles, France, 2024 Photo by Victor&Simon - Grègoire d'Ablon 
  2. The Bright Side of the Desert Moon
    A Wild Kingdom , 2023 Site specific installation Installation view, Noor Festival, 2023  Photo by Mohammed Buhasan
  3. RE/SISTERS: A Lens on Gender and Ecology
    RARE, 2008 One (1) media player, sixteen (16) flat panel monitors, one (1) distribution amplifier Dimensions variable Installation view at the Barbican Art Gallery, London, UK Photo by Max Colson
  4. O Horizon: Art of the Forest Floor
    Natural History One , 2019 Five (5) monitors, one (1) media player and two (2) LED light fixtures Dimensions variable Installation view Descanso Gardens, Los Angeles, CA
  5. 3rd International Biennial of Saint-Paul de Vence
    The Conversation , 2021 Four (4) flat panel monitors, four (4) speakers, window film and existing architecture Photo by Frédéric Pasquini Installation view 3rd International Biennial Saint-Paul de Vence, France
  6. Rainbow: Colors and wonders between myths, arts and science
    Surface Effect, 1997 Two (2) video monitors, two (2) DVD players, two (2) DVDs Installation view at MUDEC, Milan, Italy
  7. Avant L'Orage
      The best outside is the inside,  1998 Two (2) video monitors, two (2) media players Installation view, Bourse de Commerce - Pinault Collection, Paris, France, 2023 Photo by Aurélien Mole. Courtesy of Pinault Collection
  8. Practical Effects
    Practical Effects , 2022 One (1) tent, five (5) projectors, five (5) media players, and six (6) DMX lights Photo by Kerry McFate Installation view David Zwirner, New York, NY
  9. Put it This Way: (Re)Visions of the Hirshhorn Collection
  10. Nature Doesn't Know About Us
    True Life Adventures , 2018 Digital video projection on existing architecture Photo by James Prinz Installation view Sculpture Milwaukee 2022, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
  11. Natural History Two at ArtCenter
    Natural History Two , 2019 Five (5) monitors, one (1) media player and two (2) LED light fixtures Installation view, ArtCenter College of Art and Design, Pasadena, CA
  12. Shifting the Silence
    Surface Effect , 1997 Two (2) video monitors, two (2) DVD players, two (2) DVDs Dimensions variable Installation view, SFMOMA, 2022
  13. The Summer that Never Was (Videos from the CIAC Collection)
    Continuous. Contiguous. , 2005 4 Video Projectors, 3 Flat screen monitors, 7 DVD Players, 7 DVDs, 1 Synchronizer and existing architecture Dimensions variable Photography: Ramiro Chaves Credit: CIAC A.C. Installation view, Laboratorio Arte Alameda, Mexico City, 2021
  14. The Conversation
    The Conversation , 2021 Four (4) flat panel monitors, four (4) speakers, window film and existing architecture Photo by Fredrik Nilsen Installation view 1301PE, Los Angeles, CA
  15. In Focus: LA Artists
    Untitled (Butterfly Videowall #2), 2008 Five (5) flat screen LCD monitors, one (1) blue-ray DVD, one (1) distribution amplifier, two (2) fluorescent light fixtures, Lee filters and existing architecture Dimensions variable Installation view, Hauser & Wirth, Los Angeles, CA
  16. Scratching the Surface
    The Best Animals Are the Flat Animals , 1998 Two (2) video projectors, two (2) DVD players, two (2) DVDs, free standing wall and existing architecture Photo by Mathias Voelzke Installation view Hamburger Bahnhof Museum für Gegenwart, Berlin, Germany
  17. Yes, there will be singing
    Yes, there will be singing , 2020 Live stream Four (4) video cameras, four (4) speakers, theatrical lights and existing architecture
  18. Parallax
    The Road to Hana Two , 2014 Nine (9) monitor videowall
  19. Installations from 25 Years of the Falckenberg Collection
    Delphine , 1999 Four (4) video projectors, five (5) DVD players, five (5) DVDs, nine (9) video monitors, one (1) synchronizer, Lee filters and existing architecture Dimensions Variable Installation view, The Deichtorhallen, Hamburg Germany
  20. Almost Human: Digital Art from the Permanent Collection
    Untitled (Butterfly Videowall #2), 2008 Five (5) flat screen LCD monitors, one (1) blu-ray DVD player, one (1) blu-ray DVD, one (1) distribution amplifier, two (2) fluorescent light fixtures, Lee filters and existing architecture Dimensions variable Installation View, San Jose Museum of Art, San Jose, CA 2019
  21. Diana Thater: A Runaway World
    Time Compressed , 2017 Nine (9) monitor videowall Installation view, Guggenheim Bilbao, Bilbao, Spain 2018
  22. Art on theMART
    True Life Adventures , 2018 Digital video projection on existing architecture Installation view, Merchandise Mart, Chicago, Illinois Sound by T. Kelly Mason
  23. Diana Thater
    Exhibition Entrance Installation view, ICA Boston / Watershed, Boston, Massachusetts, 2018 Photo by Kerry McFate
  24. Before Projection: Video Sculpture 1974-1995
    Snake River, 1994 Three (3) video monitors, three (3) media players, and digital files Installation view, MIT List Visual Arts Center, Cambridge, 2018
  25. David Zwirner: 25 Years
    Time Compressed , 2017 Nine (9) monitor videowall Installation view, David Zwirner Gallery, New York, 2018
  26. Moluccan Cockatoo Molly Numbers 1-10
    Moluccan Cockatoo Molly 1-10, 1995 Video installation with window film Dimensions variable Installation view Institute of Chicago
  27. Diana Thater: A Runaway World
    Installation view, Borusan Contemporary, Istanbul, Turkey, 2017
  28. Artists of Color
    RGB Window for MOCA adapted for The Underground Museum , 2001- 2018 Installation designed by DIANA THATER and Lorcan O'Herlihy Architects (LOHA) Installation view, The Underground Museum, Los Angeles, CA
  29. Diana Thater: A Runaway World
    A Runaway World , 2017 Two (2) custom screens, two (2) video projectors, two (2) media players Installation view, The Mistake Room, Los Angeles 2017
  30. Diana Thater: The Starry Messenger
    The Starry Messenger , 2014 9-monitor video wall 68 3/8 x 121 x 3 5/8 inches
  31. Diana Thater: The Sympathetic Imagination
    Exhibition Entrance Installation view, MCA, Chicago, Illinois, 2016
  32. Diana Thater: Colorvision
    Installation view, 1301PE, Los Angeles, 2016
  33. On Space and Place: Contemporary Art from Chicago, Los Angeles, Mexico City, and Vancouver
    Foam , 1997 Two (2) flat panel monitors, two (2) media players Dimensions variable Installation view, DePaul Art Museum, Chicago, Illinois
  34. Indestructible Wonder
    Untitled (Butterfly Videowall #2), 2008 Five (5) flat screen LCD monitors, one (1) blue-ray DVD, one (1) distribution amplifier, two (2) fluorescent light fixtures, Lee filters and existing architecture Dimensions variable Installation view, San José Museum of Art, San Jose, CA
  35. Diana Thater: The Sympathetic Imagination
    Exhibition Entrance Installation view, Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Los Angeles, California, 2015
  36. Diana Thater: gorillagorillagorilla
    gorillagorillagorilla , 2009 Six (6) video projectors, two (2) video monitors, eight (8) media players, Lee filters and existing architecture Installation View, Aspen Art Museum, 2015
  37. Vita Vitale
    Untitled (Butterfly Videowall #2) , 2008 Five (5) flat screen LCD monitors, one (1) media player, one (1) distribution amplifier, two (2) fluorescent light fixtures, Lee Filters and existing architecture Dimensions variable Installation View the Azerbaijan Pavilion at the 56th International Art Exhibition – la Biennale di Venezia, Venice, Italy
  38. LIfe is a Time-Based Medium
    Life is a Time-Based Medium Three (3) video projectors, one (1) Watch-Out system, one (1) media player Dimensions variable Installation view, Hauser & Wirth, London, United Kingdom, 2015
  39. Beta Space:Diana Thater Science, Fiction (Two)
    Science, Fiction , 2014 Installation for two (2) video projectors, one (1) watchout system, and lights Dimensions Variable Installation view, San Jose Museum of Art, San Jose, California, 2015
  40. Diana Thater Science, Fiction
    Sidereus Nuncius , 2014 Nine (9) monitor video wall 68 3/8 x 121 x 3 5/8 inches  Science, Fiction , 2014 Installation for two (2) video projectors, one (1) watchout system, and lights Dimensions Variable Installation view, David Zwirner Gallery, New York, 2015
  41. Here Today...
    RARE,  2008 One (1) media player, sixteen (16) flat panel monitors, one (1) distribution amplifier Dimensions variable  Installation view, Here Today..., Old Sorting Office, London, United Kingdom, 2014  
  42. Delphine
    Delphine , 1999 Four (4) video projectors, five (5) media players, nine (9) video monitors, one (1) Synchronizer, Lee filters and existing architecture Dimensions Variable Installation view, Frac-Bourgogne, Dijon, France
  43. On the Blue Shore of Silence
    Delphine , 1999 Inkjet print
  44. Cinema & Painting
    Pink Daisies, Amber Room , 2003 Two (2) video projectors, two (2) media players, Lee Filters, mylar and existing architecture Dimensions variable Installation view, Adam Art Gallery, Wellington, New Zealand, 2014
  45. California Landscape into Abstraction: Works from the Orange County Museum of Art
    Wicked Witch , 1996 Five (5) video projectors, five (5) media players Dimensions variable Installation view, Orange County Museum of Art, Newport Beach, California, 2014
  46. Prima Materia
    Six Color Sun, Vertical Stack , 2000 Six (6) video monitors, Six (6) media players Installation View, Punta della Dogana, Venice 
  47. David Zwirner Booth at The Armory Show
    Day For Night Two, 2013 Nine (9) monitor videowall Day For Night One, 2013 Nine (9) monitor videowall Day For Night Three, 2013 Nine (9) monitor videowall  
  48. Oo Fifi, Five Days in Claude Monet's Garden
    Oo Fifi, Five Days in Claude Monet's Garden, 1992 Parts 1 and 2 Four (4) video projectors, four (4) media players, Lee filters Dimensions variable Installation view, 1301PE, Los Angeles, 2012 Photo by Fredrik Nilsen  
  49. Chernobyl
    Chernobyl, 2011 Six (6) video projectors, six (6) media players, Lee filters Dimensions variable Installation view, David Zwirner Gallery, New York, 2012
  50. New Acquisitions
    Chernobyl, 2011 Six (6) video projectors, six (6) media players, Lee filters Dimensions variable Installation View, Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2012
  51. Dualities
    Dualities,  2012 Installation view, Commission for Bank of America Plaza, Los Angeles, California
  52. Riotous Baroque
    Chernobyl, 2011 Six (6) video projectors, six (6) media players, Lee filters Dimensions variable Installation view, Kunsthaus Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland, 2012
  53. Light + Landscape
    Composite Sun, 2000 One (1) video monitor, one (1) media player Dimensions variable 
  54. Howling at the Moon
    Oculus , 2001 One (1) video projector,  one (1) media player, one (1) round mirror, Lee filters and existing architecture Installation view, Dickinson Roundell Inc., New York
  55. Alice in Wonderland
    The Caucus Race , 1998 Two (2) video projectors, four (4) video monitors, six (6) media players, one (1) synchronizers and Lee Filters Installation view, Museo d’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea di Trento e Rovereto, Rovereto, Italy, 2012
  56. Diana Thater: Chernobyl
    Chernobyl, 2011 Six (6) video projectors, six (6) media players, Lee filters Dimensions variable Installation view, Institute of Modern Art, Brisbane, Australia, 2012
  57. Nature Morte
    Untitled (Ann and Chris) , 2011 Four (4) monitors, one (1) media player Dimensions variable Installation view, Galerie Hussenot, Paris, France 
  58. Barroco Nova: Neo-Baroque Moves in Contemporary Art
    Purple Flowers Videowall, 2001 Nine (9) video monitors,  one (1) videowall processor, one (1) media player, Lee filters Dimensions variable Installation view, Hauser & Wirth, Zurich, Switzerland, 2002
  59. Out of the Box: Artists Play Chess
    Georges Koltanowski vs. Marcel Duchamp, Paris, 1929 (Played by Ellen Simon and Cybelle Tondu),  2010 Four (4) monitors, one (1) media player, Dimensions variable  Installation view, World Chess Hall of Fame and Museum, St. Louis, Missouri, 2011 
  60. Diana Thater: Peonies
    Peonies,  2011 Nine (9) video monitors, one (1) media player Dimensions variable Installation view, Wexner Center for the Arts, Columbus, OH, 2011
  61. Chernobyl
    Chernobyl,  2011 Poster
  62. Anonyme Skulpturen
    Untitled (Butterfly Videowall #2) , 2008 Five (5) flat screen LCD monitors, one (1) media player, one (1) distribution amplifier, two (2) fluorescent light fixtures, Lee filters and existing architecture Dimensions variable Installation View, Museum Krefeld, Krefeld Germany  
  63. Taking Place
    White is the Color , 2003 Two (2) video projectors, two (2) media players, one (1) lighting fixture, lighting filters and existing architecture Dimensions variable Installation view, Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2010  
  64. One Room, One Work
    Dark Matter , 2003 Two (2) flat screen monitors, two (2) media players, and Lee filters Dimensions variable Installation view, 1301 PE, Los Angeles, CA, 2010
  65. Simply Video
    Delphine , 1999 Four (4) video projectors, five (5) media players, nine (9) video monitors, one (1) synchronizer, Lee filters and existing architecture Dimensions Variable Installation view, Kunstmuseum Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany
  66. Between Science and Magic
    Between Science and Magic , 2010 Two (2) 16mm films, two (2) modified Eiki RT-0 projectors with custom loopers, two (2) amplifiers, two (2) equalizers, four (4) speakers  Dimensions variable Installation view, David Zwirner, New York, NY 2010
  67. Between Science and Magic
    Between Science and Magic , 2010 Two (2) 16mm films, two (2) modified Eiki RT-0 projectors with custom loopers, two (2) amplifiers, two (2) equalizers, four (4) speakers  Dimensions variable Installation view, Santa Monica Museum of Art, Santa Moica, CA, 2010
  68. Delphine
    Delphine , 1999 Four (4) video projectors, five (5) media players, nine (9) video monitors, one (1) synchronizer, Lee filters and existing architecture Dimensions Variable Installation view, St. Stephani, Bremen, Germany, 2009
  69. Butterflies and Other Peole
    Butterflies and Other People , 2009 Installation View, Santa Barbara Museum of Art, Santa Barbara, CA 2009
  70. Tigers and Other People
    Tigers and Other People Installation view, Towner Gallery, Eastbourne, UK 
  71. Collection: MOCA's First 30 Years
    RGB Window for MOCA , 2001 Lee Filters Installation view, Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles, CA, 2009 
  72. Marcel Duchamp: The Art of Chess
    Rrose Selatranny , 2009 One (1) flat panel monitor, one (1) media player Dimensions variable Installation view, David Zwirner, New York, New York, 2009
  73. After Darwin, Contemporary Expressions
    gorillagorillagorilla , 2009 Six (6) video projectors, two (2) video monitors, eight (8) media players, Lee Filters and existing architecture Installation view, The Natural History Museum, London, England, 2009
  74. Diana Thater
    Untitled (Butterfly Videowall #2) , 2009 Five (5) flat screen LCD Monitors, one (1) media player, one (1) distribution amplifier, two (2) fluorescent light fixtures, Lee filters and existing architecture, Dimensions variable Installation View, Hauser & Wirth, Swallow Street, London, England
  75. The Moving Image: Scan To Screen, Pixel To Projection
    Wicked Witch , 1996 Five (5) video projectors, five (5) media players Dimensions variable Installation view, Orange County Museum of Art, Newport Beach, California, 2009 
  76. Human/Nature: Artists Respond to a Changing Planet
    RARE , 2008 One (1) media player, sixteen (16) flat panel monitors, one (1) distribution amplifier Dimensions variable  Installation view, Human/Nature: Artists Respond to a Changing Planet, Berkeley Museum of Art, Berkeley, California, 2009
  77. Magnetic Landscape
    Shilo , 1995 One (1) monitor, one (1) media player Dimensions Variable Installation view, The Columbus Museum,  Columbus, Georgia, 2009
  78. gorillagorillagorilla
    gorillagorillagorilla , 2009 Six (6) video projectors, two (2) video monitors, eight (8) media players, Lee Filters and existing architecture Installation view, Kunsthaus Graz, Graz, Austria, 2009 
  79. Mind the Step
    A Series of Events , 2003 Two (2) monitors, two (2) media players, one (1) synchronizer Dimensions variable Installation view, 1301PE, Los Angeles, CA, 2009
  80. You will never wake up from this beautiful dream
    Perpetual Motion Two, 2005 Nine (9) flat panel monitors, one (1) distribution amplifier, one (1) media player Dimensions variable Installation view, The Vanmoerkerke Collection, Oostende, Belgium, 2009
  81. The Artist as Troublemaker
    Delphine Drawing for Carnegie International, Diptych #1 , 1999 Mylar with ink, graphite, pantone film and ink jet prints
  82. Whitney Storefronts
    A Series of Events, 2003 Two (2) monitors, two (2) media players, one (1) synchronizer Dimensions variable Installation view, Whitney Museum of American Art, 2008 
  83. Multiverse
    Oculus , 2001 and  Blue, Green, Yellow Suns, 2000 Installation view, Multiverse, Claremont Museum of Art, Claremont, CA, 2008  
  84. Diana Thater
    Untitled Videowall (Butterflies), 2008 Six (6) flat screen LCD monitors, one (1) media player, one (1) distribution amplifier, one (1) fluorescent light fixtures, Lee Filters and existing architecture Dimensions variable Installation View, 1301PE, Los Angeles, 2008
  85. Index: Conceptualism in California from the Permanent Collection
    The Caucus Race , 1998 Two (2) video projectors, four (4) video monitors, six (6) media players, one (1) synchronizers and Lee Filters Installation view, Museum of Contemporary Art Los Angeles, 2008  
  86. Human/Nature: Artists Respond to a Changing Planet
    RARE , 2008 One (1) media player, sixteen (16) flat panel monitors, one (1) distribution amplifier Dimensions variable  Installation view, Human/Nature: Artists Respond to a Changing Planet, Museum of Contempary Art, San Diego, CA, 2008 
  87. The Gallery
    Perfect Devotion Six, 2006 Six (6) flat panel monitors, one (1) media player, one (1) distribution amplifier Dimensions variable Installation view, David Zwirner Gallery, New York, 2008 
  88. Progress
    Six Color Sun, Horizontal Stack, 2000 Six (6) video monitors, six (6) media players, Lee filters Installation view, Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, NY, 2000
  89. Childsplay
    Delphine , 1999 Four (4) video projectors, five (5) media playerss, nine (9) video monitors, one (1) synchronizer, Lee filters and existing architecture Dimensions variable Installation view, Children's Museum, San Diego CA, 2008 
  90. Southern Exposure: Work from the collection of the Museum of Contemporary Art, San Diego
    Jump , 2004 16mm film with sound Installation view, Museum of Contemporary Art Sydney, Australia, 2008
  91. California Video
    California Video , 2008 Installation view, J Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles, California, 2008
  92. Group Show
    Oculus , 2001 One (1) video projector,  one (1) media player, one (1) round mirror, Lee filters and existing architecture Installation view, 1301PE, Los Angeles, CA, 2008
  93. Here is a text about the world
    Diana Thater, Here is a text about the world Installation View, David Zwirner, 2008
  94. Soundwaves
    Jump , 2004 16mm color film and sound  Still
  95. Colburn School of Music
    Installation view, Colburn School of Music, Los Angeles, CA, 2007
  96. L.A. Desire
    Installation View, Galerie Dennis Kimmerich, Dusseldorf, Germany, 2007
  97. The Present: The Monique Zaifen Collection
  98. Leitmotifs
    The best animals are the flat animals , 1998 Two (2) video projectors, two (2) media players, free standing wall and existing architecture Installation View, HZKM Zentrum fur Kunst und Medientechnologie, Karlsruhe, Germany, 2003 
  99. ....drawling, stretching and fainting in coils....
    Off With Their Heads , 2007 Installation View, OSRAM Art Projects/Seven Screens, 2007
  100. Diana Thater: OFF WITH THEIR HEADS
    Off With Their Heads , 2007 Installation View, OSRAM Art Projects/Seven Screens, 2007
  101. California Institute of Technology
    California Institute of Technology Public Pro ject , 2008 Three (3) video projectors, one (1) media Player Installation view, Caltech, Pasadena, CA, 2009
  102. I Don't Do Nature
    Shilo , 1995 One (1) monitor, one (1) media player Dimensions variable Installation view, 1301PE, Los Angeles, CA 2007
  103. relay
    relay , 2007 One (1) media player with 5.1 Surround Encoder, one (1) LCD video projector, four (4) speakers, Plexiglas, aluminum and fluorescent tubes Installation view, West of Rome, Los Angeles, 2007 
  104. Perfect Devotion, The best space is deep space
    Perfect Devotion Six , 2006 Six (6) flat panel monitors, one (1) media player, one (1) distribution amplifier Dimensions variable Installation view, Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Los Angeles, 2007 
  105. The Experience of Color: Ann Veronica Janssens & Diana Thater
    Orange Room (Wallflowers), 2001 Three (3) video projectors, three (3) media players, Lee Filters and existing architecture Dimensions variable Installation view, University Gallery, University of Massachusetts Amherst, Amherst, Massachusetts, 2007
  106. Elsewhere?
    A Series of Events , 2003 Two (2) monitors, two (2) media players, one (1) synchronizer Dimensions variable Installation view, Galleria Emi Fontana, Milan Italy
  107. After the Situation: Moment Making
    White is the Color, 2002 Two (2) video projectors, two (2) media players, one (1) lighting fixture, lighting filters and existing architecture Dimensions variable Installation view, Artspace, Newton, Auckland, New Zealand, 2007 
  108. Imaging + Imagining California Modern
    Wicked Witch, 1996 Five (5) video projectors, five (5) media players Dimensions variable Installation view, Orange County Museum of Art, Newport Beach, California, 2009 
  109. Touch My Shadows: New Media from the Goetz Collection in Munich
    Foam , 1997 Two (2) video monitors, two (2) media players Dimensions variable 
  110. Beyond Cinema: The Art of Projection
    The Best Space is the Deep Space , 1998 Two (2) video projectors, two (2) video monitors, four (4) media players, free standing wall and existing architecture Installation View, Hamburger Bahnhof-Museum fur Gegenwart, Berlin, Germany, 2006 
  111. Ectopia: The Second ICP Triennial of Photography and Video
    Perfect Devotion Two, 2005 One (1) digital projector, one (1) media player, one (1) screen on a tripod, one (1) wooden chair, green gels and existing architecture Dimensions variable Installation International Center fro Photography, New York, New York, 2006
  112. IDYLLE: Traum und Trugschluss
    Orange Room (Wallflowers), 2001 Three (3) video projectors, three (3) media players, Lee filters and existing architecture Dimensions variable Installation view, Sammlung, Falckenberg, Phoenix Kulturstiftung, Hamburg, Germany, 2007
  113. Yes, Bruce Nauman
    Shilo , 1995 One (1) monitor, one (1) media player Dimensions Variable  
  114. Ballerina in a Whirlpool: Works by Isa Genzken, Richard Jackson, Roman Singer and Diana Thater from the Hauser & Wirth Collection
    China , 1995 Six (6) video projectors, six (6) media players, one (1) synchronizer, Lee filters and existing architecture Dimensions variable Installation view, Kunsthalle Baden-Baden, Baden-Baden, Germany
  115. Where the Wild Things Are
    Perfect Devotion Two , 2005 One (1) digital projector, one (1) media player, one (1) screen on a tripod, one (1) wooden chair, green gels and existing architecture Dimensions variable Installation View, Haunch of Venison, London, 2005 
  116. Four Thursday Nights; Group Dynamics
    Jump , 2004 16mm color film and sound  Still
  117. Nature Attitudes
    Continuously Only , 2006 Nine (9) video monitors, one (1) media player, one (1) distribution amplifier Dimensions variable Installation view, Thyssen-Bornemisza Art Contemporary, Vienna, Austria, 2006 
  118. Whitney Biennial 2006: Day for Night
    Jump , 2004 Production still
  119. Guardami : Percezione del video
  120. Artists' Books, Revisited
    Artist's Books Revisited Installation view, Art Metropole, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 2005
  121. Vertiges
    Psyche , 2005 Video projections, nine (9) video monitors and existing architecture Installation view, Printemps de Septembre à Toulouse, Toulouse, France
  122. Perpetual Motion, Perfect Devotion
    Perfect Devotion One , 2005 One (1) digital projector, one (1) media player, one (1) screen on a tripod, one (1) wooden chair, green gels and existing architecture Dimensions variable Installation View, Haunch of Venison, London, 2005
  123. Weathervane
    White is the Color, 2003 Two (2) video projectors, two (2) media players, one (1) lighting fixture, lighting filters and existing architecture Dimensions variable Installation view, 1301PE, Los Angeles, 2004 
  124. The Real Ideal
  125. Water, Air, Earth, Fire. At the origins of life between Art and Science
    Dark Matter, 2003 Two (2) flat screen monitors, two (2) media players and Lee filters Dimensions variable Installation view, University Gallery, University of Massachusetts Amherst, Amherst, Massachusetts, 2007
  126. Main Line Collects: Distinctive Choices
  127. Beyond the Painted Horizon
  128. Continuous. Contiguous
    Continuous. Contiguous., 2005 Four (4) video projectors, three (3) flat screen monitors, seven (7) media players, one (1) synchronizer and existing architecture Dimensions variable Installation view, David Zwirner, New York, 2005 
  129. Diana Thater: New Work
    Diana Thater, 2005 Exterior view, Zwirner & Wirth, New York, 2005
  130. The Shape of Color: Excursions in Color field Art, 1950-2005
  131. Pink Daisies, Amber Room
    Pink Daisies, Amber Room, 2003 Two (2) video projectors, two (2) media players, Lee Filters, mylar and existing architecture Dimensions variable Installation view, 1301PE, Los Angeles, 2005 
  132. Shaw Tower
    Installation view, Shaw Tower, Vancouver, Canada, 2003-2005
  133. Die Ordnung der Natur
    knots + surfaces, 2001 Five (5) video projectors, sixteen (16) video monitors, six (6) media players, one (1) distribution amplifier, Lee filters and existing architecture Installation view, OK Offenes Kulturhaus Oberosterreich, Oberosterreich, Austria, 2005
  134. Friedrich Christian Flick Collection im Hamburger Bahnhof
    Delphine , 1999 Four (4) video projectors, five (5) media players, nine (9) video monitors, one (1) synchronizer, Lee filters and existing architecture Dimensions variable Photo by Roman Maerz Installation view, Hamburger Bahnof- Museum fur Gegenwart, Berlin, Germany, 2004
  135. Keep The Faith - Siegen
    Siegen Drawing,  2003 Vellum with ink, graphite, pantone film and ink jet prints
  136. Keep The Faith - Bremen
    Bremen Drawing , 2003 Vellum with ink, graphite, pantone film and ink jet prints
  137. Keep The Faith - Siegen Drawings
    Siegen Drawings , 2003 Vellum with ink, graphite, pantone film and ink jet prints Installation view
  138. Keep The Faith - Bremen Drawings
    Occident Trotting - Bremen Drawing, with notes , 2003 Vellum with ink, graphite, pantone film and ink jet prints
  139. Hypermedia
    Wicked Witch , 1996 Five (5) video projectors, five (5) media players Dimensions variable Installation view, Orange County Museum of Art, Newport Beach, California, 2004
  140. Animals
    knots + surfaces, small version #1, 2001 Two (2) video projectors, one (1) video monitor, three (3) media players and existing architecture Dimensions variable Installation view, Haunch of Venison, London, England 2004 
  141. Not Done!
    Electric Mind, 1996 Six (6) video projectors, two (2) video monitors, eight (8) media players, one (1) synchronizer, Lee filters and existing architecture Dimensions variable Installation view, Museum van Hedendaagse Kunst Antwerpen, Antwerp, Belgium, 2004 
  142. Ein-leuchten
    knots + surfaces, 2001 Five (5) video projectors, sixteen (16) video monitors, six (6) media players, one (1) distribution amplifier, and Lee filters Installation view, Dia Center for the Arts, New York, 2001 
  143. White is the Color
    White is the Color, 2003 Two (2) video projectors, two (2) media players, one (1) lighting fixture, lighting filters and existing architecture Dimensions variable Installation view, 1301PE, Los Angeles, 2004 
  144. Natur ganz Kunst
  145. 100 Artists See God
    Composite Sun, 2000 One (1) video monitor, one (1) media players Dimensions variable 
  146. Sitings: Installation Art 1969-2002
    The Caucus Race , 1998 Two (2) video projectors, four (4) video monitors, six (6) media players, one (1) synchronizers and Lee Filters Installation view, Museum of Contemporary Art Los Angeles, 2008
  147. Fast Forward: Media Works from the Goetz Collection
    The best animals are the flat animals , 1998 Two (2) video projectors, two (2) media players, free standing wall and existing architecture Installation View, HZKM Zentrum fur Kunst und Medientechnologie, Karlsruhe, Germany, 2003 
  148. Of Earth and Sky: Elements in Abstraction
    White is the Color, 2003 Two (2) video projectors, two (2) media players, one (1) lighting fixture, lighting filters and existing architecture Dimensions variable Installation view, 1301PE, Los Angeles, 2004 
  149. Transcedence is expansion and contraction at the same time
    A Series of Events , 2003 Two (2) video monitors, two (2) media players, one (1) synchronizer Dimensions Variable Installation view, Haunch of Venison, London, 2003
  150. An International Legacy: Selections from Carnegie Museum of Art
    The Best Space is the Deep Space , 1998 Two (2) video projectors, two (2) video monitors, four (4) media players, free standing wall and existing architecture Installation View, HZKM Zentrum fur Kunst und Medientechnologie, Karlsruhe, Germany, 2003 
  151. Moving Pictures: Contemporary Photography and Video from the Guggenheim Museum Collections
    Occident Trotting , 1993 One (1) media player, four (4) video projectors Installation view, Witte de with, Rotterdam, Netherlands, 1994 
  152. Parallels and Intersections: ART/WOMEN/CALIFORNIA, 1950-2000
    Pape's Pumpkin , 1994 Two (2) media players, two (2) video monitors Installation view, Portland Art Museum, Portland, OR, 1996
  153. Bastard PInk
    Bastard Pink, 2002 One (1) video projector, one (1) media player, Lee Filters, existing architecture Installation view, Galleria Emi Fontana, Milano, 2002 
  154. Sculpture Contemporaine
  155. Video Topiques: Tours et Retours de "art Video
    Orange Room (Wallflowers) , 2001 Three (3) video projectors, three (3) media players, Lee Filters and existing architecture Dimensions variable Installation view, David Zwirner, New York, NY, 2001
  156. Diana Thater
    Diana Thater Installation view, Galerie Hussenot, Paris, 2002
  157. Claude Monet....bis zum Digitalen Impressionismus
    Beyler Foundation Drawing #3 , 2002 Mylar with ink, graphite, pantone film and ink jet prints 
  158. Das Tier in Mir. Die Mensch-Tier-Verwandtschaft in der Zeitgenossischen Kunst
  159. Ten Years
    Purple Flowers Videowall, 2001 Nine (9) video monitors,  one (1) videowall processor, one (1) media player, and Lee filters Dimensions variable Installation view, Hauser & Wirth, Zurich, Switzerland, 2002
  160. Making Nature
    Shimmer , 1997 Two (2) video monitors, two (2) media players Dimensions variable 
  161. Devices of Wonder: From the World in a Box to Images on a Screen
    Oculus , 2001 One (1) video projector,  one (1) media player, one (1) Round mirror, Lee filters and existing architecture Installation view, The J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angles, CA, 2001 
  162. I Love New York
    Composite Sun, 2000 One (1) video monitor, one (1) media players Dimensions variable 
  163. The sky is unfolding under you
    Orange Room (Wallflowers) , 2001 Three (3) video projectors, three (3) media players, Lee filters and existing architecture Dimensions variable Installation view, 1301PE, Los Angeles, CA, 2001
  164. Post-Landscape: Between Nature and Culture
    The best outside is the inside , 1998 Three (3) video projectors, three (3) media players, free standing wall and existing architecture Dimensions variable Installation view, MAK Center for Art + Architecture, 1998
  165. Wechelstrom (Alternating Current) Part 2
    China , 1995 Six (6) video projectors, six (6) media players, one (1) synchronizer, Lee filters and existing architecture Dimensions variable Panaramic view, Museum Fur Gegenwartskunst, Siegen, 2004  
  166. Bit Streams
    Six Color Sun, Horizontal Stack, 2000 Six (6) video monitors, six (6) media players, Lee filters Installation view, Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, NY, 2000
  167. Collaborations with Parkett
  168. Public Offerings
    RGB Window for MOCA, 2001 Lee Filters  Installation view, Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles, CA, 2001 
  169. Elusive Paradise: The Millennium Prize
    Big Red Sun, 2000 Nine (9) video monitors, one (1) media player, one (1) videowall processor and Lee filters Dimensions variable Installation view, National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa, 2001
  170. knots + surfaces
    knots + surfaces, 2001 Five (5) video projectors, sixteen (16) video monitors, six (6) media players, one (1) distribution amplifier, and Lee filters Installation view, Dia Center for the Arts, New York, 2001 
  171. The sky is unfolding under you
    The sky is unfolding beneath you , 2001 Installation view, David Zwirner, New York, NY
  172. Diana Thater
    Ginger Kittens , 1994 Two (2) video projectors, one (1) media player  Dimensions variable Installation view, Tensta Konsthall, Spanga, Sweden, 2000
  173. To Infinity and Beyond: Editions for the Year 2000
  174. Broken Circle
    Broken Circle, 1997 Six (6) video projectors, one (1) Video monitor, six (6) media players, one (1) synchronizer and Lee Filters Dimensions variable Exterior view, Museum Fur Gegenwartskunst, Siegen, 2001 - 2005
  175. The American Century: Art and Culture 1900-2000, Part II
    Six Color Sun, Horizontal Stack , 2000 Six (6) video monitors, six (6) media players, Lee filters Installation view, Whitney Museum of American Art, 2000
  176. Herausforderung Tier
    The Caucus Race , 1998 Two (2) video projectors, four (4) video monitors, six (6) media players, one (1) synchronizers and Lee Filters Installation view, Patrick Painter, Santa Monica, CA, 1999
  177. Electronic Images: Videokunst 1965- 2000
  178. Enclosed & Enchanted
    Oo Fifi: Five Days in Claude Monet's Garden, Part 1 , 1992 One (1) video projector, one (1) media player, Lee Filters and existing architecture Installation view, 1301PE, Los Angeles, CA, 1992 
  179. Making Time: Considering Time as a Material in Contemporary Video and Film
    The Caucus Race , 1998 Two (2) video projectors, four (4) video monitors, six (6) media players, one (1) synchronizers and Lee Filters Installation view, Patrick Painter, Santa Monica, CA, 1999
  180. Thinking Space: Selections from the Ann & Marshall Webb Collection
    Moluccan Cockatoo Molly , 1995 (1 - 10) Video installation with window film Dimensions variable Installation view, Schipper & Krome, Koln, Germany, 1995
  181. Sites Around the City: Art and Environment
    Wicked Witch , 1996 Five (5) video projectors, five (5) media players Dimensions variable Installation view, Orange County Museum of Art, Newport Beach, California, 2004
  182. Diana Thater
    Six Color Sun, Horizontal Stack , 2000 Six (6) video monitors, six (6) media players, Lee filters Installation view, 1301PE,Los Angeles, CA, 2000
  183. LA-ex
    Red Sun Videowall, 2000 Four (4) video monitors, four (4) media players, one (1) synchronizer  Dimensions variable  Installation view, Museum Villa Struck, Munich, Germany, 2000 
  184. Delphine
    Delphine , 1999 Four (4) video projectors, five (5) media players, nine (9) video monitors, one (1) synchronizer, Lee filters and existing architecture Dimensions variable Installation view, Hauser & Wirth, Zurich, Switzerland
  185. The Caucus Race
    The Caucus Race , 1998 Two (2) video projectors, four (4) video monitors, six (6) media players, one (1) synchronizer and Lee Filters Installation view, Emi Fontana, Milan, Italy 2008
  186. Delphine
    Delphine , 1999 Four (4) video projectors, five (5) media players, nine (9) video monitors, one (1) synchronizer, Lee filters and existing architecture Dimensions variable Installation view, Vienna Secessions, Vienna, Austria, 2000
  187. Wicked Witch, A Video Installation by Diana Thater
    Wicked Witch, 1996 Five (5) video projectors, five (5) media players Dimensions variable Installation view, Orange County Museum of Art, Newport Beach, California, 2009 
  188. Carnegie International 1999/2000
    Delphine and Sun Puzzlepiece Videowall , 2000 Installation view, Carnegie Museum of Art, Pittsburgh, PA, 1999/2000 
  189. Searchlight; Consciousness at the Millennium
    Perspective is an Energy , 1995 Four (4) video monitors, four (4) media players, plywood tale top, two (2) saw horses  Installation view, David Zwirner, New York, NY, 1996 
  190. Diana Thater
    The best outside is the inside, 1998 Two (2) video monitors, two (2) media players Installation view, H & R Projects, Brussels, Belgium 
  191. Diana Thater
    The best animals are the flat animals, Stacked monitors , 1998 Five (5) video monitors, five (5) media players Installation view, Allen Memorial Art Museum, Oberlin College, Oberlin, OH, 1998
  192. The Caucus Race
    The Caucus Race , 1998 Two (2) video projectors, four (4) video monitors, six (6) media players, one (1) synchronizers and Lee Filters Installation view, Patrick Painter, Santa Monica, CA, 1999
  193. Collection FRAC Rhones-Alpes
    The best animals are the flat animals, version 2 , 1998 Two (2) video projectors, one (1) video monitor, two (2) media players, Lee Filters, existing architecture Installation View, MAK Center for the Art + Architecture, Los Angeles, CA, 1998
  194. Art/Journalism
    If I was in LA , 1997 One (1) video monitor, one (1) media player Installation view, Castellodi Rivioli, Museo D'Arte Contmporanea, Turin, Italy, 1997 
  195. Gallery Artists Summer Show
    The best animals are the flat animals, Stacked monitors , 1998 Five (5) video monitors, five (5) media players Installation view, Allen Memorial Art Museum, Oberlin College, Oberlin, OH, 1998
  196. Trouble Spot. Painting
    Oo Fifi: Five Days in Claude Monet's Garden, Part 1 , 1992 One (1) video projector, one (1) media player, Lee Filters and existing architecture Installation view, 1301PE, Los Angeles, CA, 1992 
  197. The best space is the deep space
    The Best Space is the Deep Space , 1998 Two (2) video projectors, two (2) video monitors, four (4) media players, free standing wall and existing architecture Installation View, HZKM Zentrum fur Kunst und Medientechnologie, Karlsruhe, Germany, 2003 
  198. The best outside is the inside
    The best outside is the inside, 1998 Three (3) video projectors, three (3) media players, free standing wall and existing architecture Dimensions variable Installation view, The Saint Louis Art Museum, St. Louis, Missouri 
  199. The best sense is the nonsense
    The best sense is the nonsense , 1998 Two (2) video projectors, one (1) video monitor, three (3) media players, free standing wall and existing architecture Installation view, York University Art Gallery, Toronto, Canada
  200. The best animals are the flat animals- the best space is the deep space
    The best animals are the flat animals, version 2 , 1998 Two (2) video projectors, one (1) video monitor, two (2) media players, Lee Filters, existing architecture Installation View, MAK Center for the Art + Architecture, Los Angeles, CA, 1998
  201. Project 64. Diana Thater: The best animals are the flat animals
    The best animals are the flat animals, version 1 , 1998 Two (2) video projectors, two (2) media players, free standing wall and existing architecture Installation view, Museum of Modern Art, New York, NY, 1998
  202. Diana Thater
  203. The best space is the deep space, TIme Based Media 1998-99: Diana Thater
    The best animals are the flat animals, Stacked monitors , 1998 Five (5) video monitors, five (5) media players Installation view, Allen Memorial Art Museum, Oberlin College, Oberlin, OH, 1998
  204. Diana Thater: Video Installations
    Abyss of Light , 1993 Three (3) video projectors, three (3) media players, one (1) synchronizer, Lee filters and existing architecture Installation view, 1301PE, Los Angeles, CA, 1993 
  205. Auf der Spur: Kunst der 90er Jahre im Spiegel von Scheizer Sammlungen
  206. Light x Eight: The Hanukkah Project
    Nature is a Language, Can't you read?, 1997 One (1) video projector, two (2) video monitors, three (3) media players, one (1) synchronizer Installation view, Walker Art Center, Minneapolis, MN, 1997
  207. Five Years, 1993-1998
    Foam , 1997 Two (2) video monitors, two (2) media players Dimensions variable 
  208. Span: Jessica Bronson, Mariko Mori, Diana Thater
  209. View One
    Surface Effect, 1997 Two (2) video monitors, two (2) media players Dimensions variable  
  210. Multiple Identity: American Art from the Whitney Museum 1975 - 1995
    Scarlet Macaw Crayons , 1995 One (1) video projector, one (1) media player, Lee filters and existing architecture Dimensions Variable Installation view, David Zwirner, New York, NY, 1996
  211. Trade Routes: History and Geography, 1997, Johannesburg Biennale
    Shilo , 1995 One (1) monitor, one (1) media player Dimensions Variable  
  212. Diana Thater: Orchids in the Land of Technology
    Diana Thater: Orchids in the Land of Technology , 1997 Exterior view, Walker Art Center, Minneapolis, MN
  213. Skulptur. Projekte in Munster 1997
    Broken Circle , 1997 Six (6) video projectors, one (1) video monitor, six (6) media players, one (1) synchronizer, Lee Filters and existing architecture Exterior view,  Skulptur Projectke in Munster, Munster, Germany, 1997
  214. Sunshine & Noir: Art in LA 1960 - 1997
    If I was in LA , 1997 One (1) video monitor, one (1) media player Installation view, Castellodi Rivioli, Museo D'Arte Contmporanea, Turin, Italy, 1997 
  215. Between Lantern and Laser
    Scarlet Macaw Crayons , 1995 One (1) video projector, one (1) media player, Lee filters and existing architecture Dimensions Variable Installation view, Henry Art Gallery, Seattle, 1997 Moluccan Cockatoo Molly , 1995 Video installation with window film Dimensions Variable Installation view, Henry Art Gallery, Seattle, 1997  
  216. Whitney Biennial Exhibition
    Electric Mind, 1996 Six (6) video projectors, two (2) video monitors, eight (8) media players, one (1) synchronizer, Lee filters and existing architecture Installation view, Walker Art Center, Minneapolis, MN, 1997
  217. True, BLISS
  218. Art at the End of the 20th Century: Selections from the Whitney Museum of American Art
  219. Painting - The Extended Field
    Occident Trotting, 1993 one (1) media player, four (4) video projectors Installation view, Witte de with, Rotterdam, Netherlands, 1994 
  220. Being and Time: The Emergence of Video Projection
    Oo Fifi: Five Days in Claude Monet's Garden, Part 1 , 1992 One (1) video projector, one (1) media player, Lee Filters and existing architecture Installation view, 1301PE, Los Angeles, CA, 1992 
  221. The Individual as a species, the object as a medium, Diana Thater, Selected Works 1992-1996
    The Object as a Medium , 1996 Five (5) video monitors, five (5) media players Installation view, David Zwirner, NY, 1996 
  222. Electric Mind and Recent Works
    Electric Mind , 1996 Six (6) video projectors, two (2) video monitors, eight (8) media players, one (1) synchronizer, Lee filters and existing architecture Dimensions variable Installation view, Portland Museum of Art, Portland, Oregon, 1996
  223. Wicked Witch
    Wicked Witch , 1996 Five (5) video projectors, five (5) media players Dimensions variable Installation view, Temporary Contemporary at the Baltic Flour Mill, Gateshead, England
  224. Jurassic Technologies Revenant: 10th Biennale Sydney
    Oo Fifi: Five Days in Claude Monet's Garden, Part 1 , 1992 One (1) video projector, one (1) media player, Lee Filters and existing architecture Installation view, 1301PE, Los Angeles, CA, 1992 
  225. Electric Mind
    Electric Mind, 1996 Six (6) video projectors, two (2) video monitors, eight (8) media players, one (1) synchronizer, Lee filters and existing architecture Installation view, Salzburger Kunstverein, Salzburg , Austria, 1996
  226. Wunderbar
    Electric Mind , 1996 Six (6) video projectors, two (2) video monitors, eight (8) media players, one (1) synchronizer, Lee filters and existing architecture Dimensions variable Installation view, Portland Museum of Art, Portland, Oregon, 1996
  227. China, Crayons & Molly Numbers 1 through 10
    China , 1995 Six (6) video projectors, six (6) media players, one (1) synchronizer, Lee filters and existing architecture Dimensions variable Installation view, David Zwirner, New York, NY, 1996
  228. Beyond the Borders: Gwangju Biennale
    Oo Fifi: Five Days in Claude Monet's Garden, Part 1 , 1992 One (1) video projector, one (1) media player, Lee Filters and existing architecture Installation view, 1301PE, Los Angeles, CA, 1992 
  229. Surroundings
    Abyss of Light , 1993 Three (3) video projectors, three (3) media players, one (1) synchronizer, Lee filters and existing architecture Installation view, 1301PE, Los Angeles, CA, 1993 
  230. Crayons & Molly Numbers 1 through 10
    Moluccan Cockatoo Molly , 1995 (1 - 10) Video installation with window film Dimensions variable Installation view, Schipper & Krome, Koln, Germany, 1995
  231. Biennale d'Art Contemporain de Lyon
    Perspective is an Energy , 1995 Four (4) video monitors, four (4) media players Installation view, Serralves FOundation, Lyon, France
  232. China
    From China To Shilo Part 1 (Left side)  From China To Shilo Part 2 (Center) Shilo (Right side)  Each work: Two (2) media players, two (2) video monitors Installation view, Le Creux de l'Enfer Centre d'Art Contemporain a Thiers, Theirs, France, 1995
  233. Limiaries/Threshold: Recent American Sculpture
    Perspective is an Energy , 1995 Four (4) video monitors, four (4) media players, plywood tale top, two (2) saw horses  Installation view, David Zwirner, New York, NY, 1996 
  234. 1995 Whitney Biennial
    The Bad Infinite, 1993 Three (3) media players, three (3) video projectors, one (1) synchronizer, existing architecture Installation view, Long Beach Museum of Art, 1993 
  235. China
    China , 1995 Six (6) video projectors, six (6) media players, one (1) synchronizer, Lee filters and existing architecture Dimensions variable Installation view, Renaissance Society at the university of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois, 1995 
  236. Pure Beauty
    Wyoming Alogon , 1994 Three (3) video projectors, three (3) media players, one (1) synchronizers, Lee Filters and existing architecture Dimensions variable Installation view, American Center, Paris, 1994 
  237. Diana Thater
    Abyss of Light , 1993 Three (3) video projectors, three (3) media players, one (1) synchronizer, Lee Filters and existing architecture Installation view, Exterior, Witte de with, Rotterdam, Netherlands, 1994 
  238. Stan Douglas; Jason Rhoades; Diana Thater; Franz West; Summer Group Show
    Stan Douglas, Jason Rhoades, Diana Thater, Franz West, Summer Group Show , 1994 Installation view, David Zwirner, New York NY, 1994
  239. Ginger Kittens
    Ginger Kittens , 1994 Two (2) video projectors, one (1) media player Dimensions variable Installation view, Friesenwall 116a, Cologne, Germany
  240. Temporary Translation(s): Sammlung Schurmann
    Abyss of Light , 1993 Three (3) video projectors, three (3) media players, one (1) synchronizer, Lee filters and existing architecture Installation view, 1301PE, Los Angeles, CA, 1993 
  241. Late & Soon (Occident Trotting)
    Late and Soon (Occident Trotting), 1993 Four (4) video projectors, one (1) media player, Lee filters and existing architecture Installation view, David Zwirner, New York, NY, 1993 
  242. Sugar 'n' Spice
    The Bad Infinite, 1993 Three (3) media players, three (3) video projectors, one (1) synchronizer, existing architecture Installation view, Long Beach Museum of Art, 1993 
  243. Abyss of Light
    Abyss of Light , 1993 Three (3) video projectors, three (3) media players, one (1) synchronizer, Lee filters and existing architecture Installation view, 1301PE, Los Angeles, CA, 1993 
  244. Emblazoned Ciphers of the Visible
  245. The Time
  246. Up to the Lintel: Bliss
    Up to the Lintel:Bliss, 1992 Five (5) video projectors, five (5) media players, Lee Filters and existing architecture Installation view, Bliss House, Pasadena, CA, 1992  
  247. Up to the Lintel: Bliss
  248. Very,Very,Very
    Oo Fifi: Five Days in Claude Monet's Garden, Part 1 , 1992 One (1) video projector, one (1) media player, Lee Filters and existing architecture Installation view, 1301PE, Los Angeles, CA, 1992 
  249. Into the Lapse
  250. Rhythms of Earth and Water
  251. Dogs and Other Philosophers
    Dogs and Other Philosophers , 1991 One (1) video projector, one (1) media player, one (1) video mixer, plexiglass, existing architecture Installation view, Dorothy Goldeen Gallery, Santa Monica, CA, 1991
  252. With/Out
    With/Out , 1990 Four (4) video projectors, four (4) media players, sand blasted glass, existing architecture Installation view, Art Center College of Design, Pasadena, CA, 1990 
  253. Heart in Mouth